MAMA....GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY, 2019 is the year we SLAY



You don’t have to let another year go by and not get to those juicy goals that you keep thinking.

You can stop saying…”What if” and start saying, “what goal can I crush next?!

Mama, we have very little time at the end of the day after we care for our family and everyone else. Binging on social media isn’t what this ONE life was made for.

You CAN take steps towards your goals and if you do the work, imagine where you can be in 3 months? Will you be able to run a few miles without being exhausted? Will you have asked for that raise or promotion? Would you have started a podcast?

If you are out of survival mode and ready to take actionable steps to complete goals that are important to you, kick off 2019 by joining the Avenue Mama on Fire Tribe.

This is a 12 week program to strengthen your mindset and create habits that serve you and eliminate habits that do not.

This is the 3rd time I am offering a virtual mindset group and I am excited to see you on the inside!

For more information, click here!

I hope to see you there!
Annie Vovan